Monday, March 5, 2007

Ebay Strands of Britney Spears Hair from Beverly Hills

"""This is a genuine strand of hair shaved off the head of Britney Spears. I was fortuate enough to witness this melee as I recently finished a business trip from Albany, NY to Beverly Hills for meetings at LiveNation Compnay, as part of a music/concert promotion venture I am currently involved in.
When I witnessed the commotions outside the store, then realized who it was. Naturally I was denied entrance into Ester Togonozi's salon during this time, but on a whim I passed along the name of the man from LiveNation (concert promotion company) that I had just met with, who has personally managed the publiciity and tours for Britney over many years, to a security guard, and was able to briefly gain access to Britney and proceeded to contratulate Britney on the birth of her newest child, and quickly gave her my best wishes before departing.
On my way out of the salon (again, thanks to security for passing along the name of my contact to get me in in the first place), I grabbed a little lock of her hair, just as a mememto. However I had no idea that the value of this could be so great to move avid fans of Britney.
On a side note, I am also tranined in Organic Forensic Chemsitry, and have a degree in Biology, and would be willing to use a local contact (for a small extra fee) to get the DNA profile on this stand as proof of authentication. Unfortunately it will be up to the buyer to find and/or match the official data I can provide to the real genotype of Britney, if you can get your hands on it.
Happy bidding, No timewasters or fraudsters, Thank you."""


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