Monday, January 15, 2007

Ebay.A-Team Bank Notes

One of the stranger items that I've come across on eBay are these A-Team banknotes (not legal tender of course). Basically, with Dirk Benedict being in the Big Brother house, quite a few A-Team related items have cropped up. In amongst all the signed photos and the like, are these odd items.

Sizing up at 17cm x 8cm, these A-Team notes have serial numbers and great images of the men themselves . So, for £3.99, you get dollars that star "Hannibal" Smith, Templeton "Faceman" Peck , Sgt. Bosco "Bad Attitude" Baracus (B.A. or Mr. T to you and me), "Howling Mad" Murdock plus two more Mr T Notes!


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