Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ebay:Lotus Elise

You may remember reading our original post on this Lotus Elise and feeling the abject horror that accompanies the site of such a car pointing towards the sky. Well, the owner has decided to salvage what he can from the debacle that saw his beloved Elise tumble from a mechanic's lift by selling it on eBay. Actually, he's really selling it because a bad motorcycle accident left his leg not strong enough to shift the car anymore. He does give pretty good disclosure of the accident on the auction page, saying that his buddy, a body repair man, could fix the damage done by the fall for $2,000. Hmm... no thanks. It sounds like the car is still in driveable condition, however, and at the moment the bidding has reached only $13,601 with a litle over 3.5 days to go. Somebody needs to give this car a good home and nurse it back to health.

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